Sunday, February 6, 2011

Feelin' sleepy...

Hello everyone! Well, the weekend has come and gone, and with it, the season's first big road race...Boulevard. There was also a crit today, but you know how I feel about those by now! Yes, I was extremely anxious for this race to arrive, especially since I decided at the last second to switch my registration from the Cat 4 race, to the Masters 35+. More on that...

First, let me begin by saying although I'm not a big believer in the theory of global warming, the weather this Saturday out at Boulevard had a lot of racers talking. I'm sure like most, I was preparing for the worst. Heck, I even put shoe covers over my shoes Friday night while packing for the race! As I drove out to Boulevard at ten in the morning, yes I said ten (one of the big benefits in deciding to race with the big boys...a later start time!), the temperature kept rising until it hit 68 as I pulled in the parking lot at Live Oaks. 68 and sunny, with very little wind! I decided no matter how anyones race went this day, the weather couldn't be blamed!

Our race was scheduled to go off at 12:50pm, which ended up being about five minutes delayed to allow the Cat 3 field that went off just before us to get far enough down the road that we shouldn't catch them. The race started smoothly, minus one guy who crashed off the side of the road in the first 100 feet! Talk about feeling a bit embarrassed! From there the pace was nice and smooth. I instantly noticed how much smoother everything was as opposed to a Cat 4 field. Everyone seemed to know how to hold their lines, drafting was in full effect, etc.

Things begin to pick up on the back half of the course, the descent, but I remained calm, and was able to be in good position, although a little too far back as we hit the first climb of the day, La Posta. From there, the pace quickened, but again, I kept it in check, and lingered near the middle of the pack up the climb. As the peloton turned on to Highway 80, it became a different story!

The pace going up the climb on Highway 80 was intense. I tried to stay on the wheels, but a group of approximately 25 riders drilled it up the road, and I found myself in a group of about 15 chasing. As we made our way up the climb, I noticed our groups pace was beginning to slow. I made the decision to strike out on my own while I could still see the lead group. Needless to say, that didn't work. I was able to drop the group I was with, but there was no way I was going to catch a large group of 25 riders working together on my own. I did come within about a minute and ten seconds of them at the top of the climb according to my wife who was there for support, and as my feeder.

To make a long race short, from there it went...get caught on the back half of the course by the group I dropped on the climb, and finish the race with them. I did learn a few things racing with more experienced riders, some things that I suspected as far as "elite" teams are concerned, and I fully intended to use this blog entry as a way to vent my frustration with them, but I've decided it takes a bigger person to bite the tongue, and move on. Stats for the race...3:15, 65-miles, 6000ft, 20.2avg speed, 2000 calories. Not sure yet where I finished, but I'll post the results as soon as I know.

Today, a nice 4-hour ride down to Mira Mesa to watch some friends compete in at red Trolley. I still can say with complete honesty, that I do not miss racing crits! Yikes!!!

Anyhow, as I mentioned in the title, I'm feelin' really sleepy tonight after a tough weekend on the bike, but all is good. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend yourselves, and had a chance to get out and enjoy this beautiful So Cal weather! Until next time...

1 comment:

Michael_SanDiego said...

Hi Matt,

Enjoy reading your blog. Thought you might find this discussion re: Boulevard on the Google Wattage group interesting --
