Sunday, February 20, 2011

Keepin' it lite...

Hi Everyone! How was your weekend? I had a good one myself. Let me begin by saying as far as training went this last week, I didn't log a whole lot of time in the saddle. I did manage to get in the saddle six out of seven days, it was just the amount of time each day wasn't as much as usual. Let's see...8.5hrs total.

A lot of the reason for the low hours was due to the new biz. It's really been consuming a lot of my time and energy, and that's a good thing! The only hard part is actually staying motivated to train to be prepared for the upcoming races. Still, the business must come first, it's what's hopefully going to help pay the bills after all.

I'll keep you posted on its progress, and the training/racing program as the weeks go by. Until next time...

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