Monday, January 30, 2012


Hi Everyone!

Nothing too exciting to report, but I can say this last week in the saddle was much needed, and really helped motivate, invigorate, and gave me moments to reflect and help remind me of why I began pedaling in the first place.

I've been training in 3-week blocks for the eleven weeks; 3-weeks of intensity training (ie...intervals, endurance, VO2, etc), followed by 1-week of rest (ie...recovery spins, endurance, open weekend rides). This last week was a rest week, and it dawned on me that not only are rest weeks time to rest, recover, and reap the benefits of the previous 3-weeks of hard training, but they're an opportunity to enjoy riding for riding's sake. Take in the scenery, breath in the air, remember why we ride.

The week was the usual time spent on the trainer, easy spins, core workouts, an endurance ride, followed by the weekend of open "free-style" rides, meaning no plan, ride wherever with whomever. Saturday was 2-hours on the bike, Mt. Soledad, with the SDBC team. I've always said, and it still stands, that the SDBC team are some of the nicest riders in the sport. A great group of riders, who I can say without a doubt, will be a force to reckon with this season.

Yesterday was 4-1/2 hours spent with some fairly new faces, riding down the coast south to La Jolla, roaming around Mt. Soledad, a nice break in downtown La Jolla, and making our way back home. I had a really great time, how could I not? Great company, beautiful scenery, and weather that even us local San Diegans were in awe of.

This week...back to the grind of training, but maybe with a switch up. I'm considering either racing Boulevard this Saturday, or the Fiesta Time Trail Sunday, if the TT, to at last establish my FTP, and really have an accurate base to train by.

I hope all is well with you, until next time...

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