Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tired for a different reason...

Hi All! How was your weekend? Mine, you ask...uneventful on the cycling front, considering I spent it working! Don't get me wrong, it's a rare occasion that I have to work over the weekend, so I'm not complaining. Unfortunately though, now I roll straight in to another straight five days, so that means I really need to find and keep some focus this week.

I typically ride the trainer during the week, doing intervals and tempo rides, but given the fact I missed my two long weekend rides, this week is going to be all about getting out on the road and logging some miles, even if that means riding up until the sun sets. With all this extra work amongst other things taking place in my life, my diet has suffered a bit, and either me or my scale have gained a few pounds! Not too concerned, given the fact my next race isn't until September 25th, I just need to get back on track and stay totally committed to the program until then.

Hope you all had a great weekend, and everyone made it through safely! Until next time...

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