Monday, October 12, 2009

I did it!!!

Good morning All! Speaking of favorite time of day! I wasn't always a morning person, but since owning a restaurant for the last seven plus years, I've become one. 5:30am everyday. That's when my alarm goes off, regardless of whether I work. I've found this to be good for a couple of reasons...First, it helps me get on a regular sleep pattern. There's nothing worse for interrupting good sleep then going to bed and getting up at different hours throughout the week. Second, from the time your alarm goes off and you get out of bed, until the time you actually arrive at work, is the best. The day is fresh. Nothing bad has happened. Just a nice hot cup of coffee, some catching up on the news, watching the sun rise, it's all good! Who knows what the day's going to throw at you after that!

I did it!!! Yes, I finally pinned on a number and raced this weekend. I decided late Friday night, that I was going to go race the Santiago Canyon Time Trial Saturday morning. Having not raced since late May, I told myself not to have any lofty expectations, just go and try and break thirty minutes for the eleven mile run up the canyon. I couldn't hang around for the results to be posted, and they're not yet on the internet, but I'm pretty sure I reached the goal. We'll see. But boy did it feel good to race again! That's what I was hoping for. I wasn't sure if I was losing the urge to race, or if I had just been away too long and the urge was dulled.

As far as the race went, nothing to exciting. I always play a game in TT's where I like to see how many people I can catch and pass in front of me, all the while, trying not to be passed by anyone. I was able to do that Saturday. I think I passed three riders, two of whom were one minute, and a a minute and a half in front of me. My thirty second guy and myself, played a game of "back and forth" for the last five or so miles of the race. There was one incident that totally annoyed me though.

As I was racing up the canyon, I saw two riders up ahead moving at a good pace, drafting off of each other, obviously not in the race, but rather out for a weekend ride up the canyon. (Apparently Santiago Canyon is a popular riding spot for Orange County cyclists). As I caught up to then I yelled out, "On your left!" I slowly made my way pass them, and as soon as I did, they jumped on my wheel. Now as far as I know, this isn't illegal in a time trial, but what it is, is annoying to the racer trying to concentrate on their race! I didn't say anything though, and kept pedaling. All of a sudden the jackasses slowly come up my left side, pass me, and proceed to pull over right in front of me! Now I know this IS illegal. A racer is not allowed to draft at all in a TT. At this point I quickly slip out in to the car lane to get out of their draft before I'm DQ'ed by one of the officials on the side of the road. I also yell at the guys to "MOVE!". I'm in a race I tell them, but they pay no attention and this annoying game is played until we're a little less then a mile from the finish, where I drop the hammer hard and shake them.

Can't these people see the number on your back? That coupled with the fact I'm yelling at them that I'm in a race should be enough. Oh well, that's all part of it I suppose. I do plan on making the next Santiago Canyon TT, November 14th, then my uneventful season will be over. Hopefully next year promises to be better all around, for everyone. Until next time...

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