Monday, September 14, 2009


Hello All! Have you ever felt that your life just isn't going smoothly, and nothing feels right. Turmoil, that's the word!!! I've decided to back out of the Mt. Charleston Hill Climb this coming Saturday. With this economy the way it is, our restaurant has taken a big hit in sales, but the problem really lies in our food cost going up exponentially over the last year or so. Anyone who grocery shops knows this to be true. This is one of many pitfalls in the restaurant business, food costs literally change on a daily basis, and you're not able to change your menu to reflect those changes!

So, with the business struggling, I'm forced to work more hours, and my priorities have shifted considerably. I couldn't figure out why, for the longest time (almost this whole race season), why I couldn't get motivated to train properly, or even race for that matter. Now I know. Oh well, this is life, ups and downs, ebbs and flows. It's how we deal with it that matters most.

So for now, the racing takes a back seat to more important matters, but I will continue to log as many miles as possible on the bike. I'm determined to not lose too much fitness, because we all know how much more work is required to get it back:)

Hope all is well with you all. Until next time...

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