Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Getting ready...

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great Christmas, I know I did. A four day weekend that consisted of good food, great company, and 12 hours of good solid training.

On a ride up to Oceanside Harbor yesterday, our group stopped at the Nautical Bean for some coffee, and the discussion led to next season's goals. It was great to be with a group that has very similar goals as myself (stage races with big climbs). At this point here's what I've come up with...

* All three King of the Mountain series events.
* Both Death Valley Stage Races.
* The Mt. Whitney Stage Race.
* Try and make all four Santiago Canyon TT's.
* The Peninsula Cliff Climb TT (if they're holding it?).
* The Everest Challenge.

That's twelve events on the year. Not a lot, but they're good solid events that suite my strengths. And if I don't count or do the Peninsula Cliff Climb, then my first race isn't until the 17th of March, so that leaves plenty of time to really get some good, solid training in.

That's it for now, sorry nothing to exciting to report, but stay tuned, the big mountain days are a comin'! Until next time...

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