Sunday, October 24, 2010

Down time...

Hi All! How's life? Things have been good here. For all the readers (reader! LOL!) of my blog, you'll know I competed in the Death Valley Stage Race last weekend. I've been waiting to post a race report, (along with pictures and videos), until I receive the official results, and unfortunately, I'm still waiting for them! I don't want to jinx myself, so I'll reframe from providing any information on the event, but I will say, what an incredible race! I'll definitely be back for more, and plan on keeping my focus next year strictly on RR's, and include more "climbing" focused events such as the Death Valley races, Everest Challenge, etc.

Stage 2 of the race was last Sunday, and I haven't ridden my bike until today, this Sunday. Don't worry, I planned to do that, just to give myself a physical and mental break from all the training in preparation for the Death Valley event. It's been a nice break this last week, but I'll tell you, my life's routine really gets out of whack when I disrupt it with something like taking the bike completely out of it. It really has made me realize just how much of an integral part of my life the bike is! Kind of scary!!!

As I mentioned, I did get back out on the road today for a little over two hours, with no real purpose, other then just riding. That's probably what the rest of this month will be in the way of riding for me. Wherever, whenever, and with whoever, just go with what life allows me in the way of riding right now. My priorities right now are family, cafe, new business, bike. Pretty much in that order.

Wish I had more to tell you, and I promise I'll provide the race report as soon as it's in stone. Hope all is well! Until next time...

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