Saturday, January 2, 2010

First Impressions...

Hi All! Happy New Year!!! Personally, I have high hopes for 2010. I just have a feeling there's going to be some major changes happening this coming year. All good I hope! Now on to the reason for this entry.

I've been spending the last four weeks doing some major research on 29" mountain bikes after purchasing my Specialized 26. I have to admit, at first I was a little turned off at the sight of 29-inch wheels on a mountain bike. I just looked strange to me. But after viewing them on the internet, and seeing a few out on the trails, they began to grow on me. The more research I did on 29er's, the more advantages I began to discover over riding a 26-inch.

Better traction due to more tire contact on the trail. Better able to roll over objects on the trail due to the larger tire diameter. A more forgiving ride. A better fit for taller riders such as myself. The list goes on and on, all these advantages at the cost of nominal weight gain.

Well after all that research, and saving my money, selling my TT bike, and rear disc, I pulled the trigger and bought a Niner EMD9. I found it ever so slightly used on Mountain Bike Review from a guy in Michigan. Wired the money on Monday, and the bike arrived on Wednesday! It's a beauty, and today I was able to head over to Lake Hodges for my first ride.

What a difference 29-inch wheels make! WOW! It really is a major confidence booster, and after riding road bikes for the last eight years, 29-inch wheels feel right at home. The bike rides great, the rider on the other hand! Let's just say, my technical skills need some work. I didn't crash, but I did do a lot of hiking. It's not that I'm afriad per say of crashing. It's just that when a mishap could result in taking a 20-50 foot tumble down a hillside covered in sharp rock, I choose to walk. As for the fire roads and smoother single track, I think I can hold my own just fine. The engine works. And give me a long steady climb, and I'm off!

Now my new dilemma has become, do I ride the road bike, or the 29er??? What a terrible problem to have! Here it is...

Until next time...

1 comment:

Eric said...

I thought you wanted to buy something with full suspension?