Sunday, April 19, 2009

Devil's Pukebowl

Hi All. Reporting to you from sunny San Marcos. The word for the day is HOT!!! 91 degrees here and sunny. Also reporting with my second cold this year! WTF!!! I'm getting sick of being sick. Typically, I only get sick once a year, usually around Christmas and that's it. As usual I was sick then, with a severe case of bronchitis, (first time for me), and now I've managed to pick up a head cold a few days ago. I'm sure I received this gift from my mother, who recieved it from my four year old nephew. I love those kids, but at this age they're a step above a carrier monkey when it comes to germs!

Now, on to the reason for writing this blog entry. Devil's Punchbowl. Yes, yesterday I raced the DP. This has been my third year racing in this event and I absolutely love it! The course is just kick ass, plain and simple. Of course looking back at my results you'd never guess my love for the event. 38th out of 75 racers yesterday. My poor result partly due to a side stitch cramp I experienced fifteen minutes out of the gate, followed by multiple inner thigh cramps later in the race, but mostly due to my lack of overall fitness. Getting sick and crashing will do that to you. Regardless, I still had a great time, and reaffirmed my love for road races over any other form of racing I've competed in. Now on to the report...

Lined up at the start line right where I wanted to be. One row back, on the outside. Whistle blows, get a good clean clip in to the pedal, and off I go! A guy takes a flyer in the first 500 feet of racing, we all just look at each other and laugh. Go get em buddy! As we approach the bottom of the climb which is in the first mile or so of the course, I'm pedaling hard to maintain my position (about fifth in line), too hard. We reach the top of the first portion of climbing, and I round the corner still in fifth, but now my heart rate is way too high, and I'm having trouble recovering in time to tackle the three large rollers just ahead. As we reach the first roller a pack of twenty or so guys goes motoring by me. I can't respond, still having trouble breathing! Shit, there goes the winning move! To keep a long story short, the rest of my day consisted of chasing the lead group until I could no longer see them, and trying to do battle with every rider that either caught me, or that I caught. All in all, a good solid 2-1/2 hours of hard riding that can't hurt in the quest to gain some fitness.

Next up, San Luis Rey. Originally I was on target to be in top form for this race, but having now to deal with this cold, who knows? I suppose not every season can go according to schedule:) I've also decided to quit posting my training schedule. To be honest, I'm just not that in to keeping track of all the numbers. One of the reasons I decided to sell my PowerTap. Just get out and ride hard when I feel good, and easier when I don't. I think at the Cat 4 level, that's all that's needed. Until next time...

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