Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Why is it so hard to get psyched up to do trainer intervals, or any intervals for that matter??? I suppose because they're so damn painful!!! Give me a good hard ride up Palomar any day!!!


Eric said...

The way I get through intervals is that I do everything I can to forget about how many of them I'm going to do. That means concentrating entirely on the one interval I'm about to do. Only once I've had 60 to 90 seconds of recovery I start thinking about the next one.

We all know we can do one interval because we do them every time we race. That's what I try to focus on. It's when I start thinking, "oh man, I still have another 4 more to do" that I know I'm in trouble.

Matt Marshall said...

I hear ya Eric! I've been trying to get some structure to my training lately. I've always just gotten out and rode, and that's worked well for the most part, but I'm realizing it's not enough if you want to win. I don't have a PM, so I've been training with a HRM, and learning about HR zones. I did various different intervals yesterday with some zone 5's that I thought were going to kill me! I was trying to duplicate what I was feeling in my last race this previous weekend. I'm finding out that although boring as hell, intervals on the trainer are a great way to hit and hold the exact zones you're trying to work in. How have you been? Have you been able to get out on the bike lately?