Saturday, July 4, 2009

Long time, no talk...

Hi All,
Happy 4th! Hope everyone has a great day, and enjoys the freedoms this great country has to offer. No place better! Sorry for the big gap between entries. I've come to realize that maintaining a blog is a lot of work, and often difficult to remember it even exists. I just returned from vacation on the 30th. Seventeen days of vacation to be exact, the longest I've ever taken. I had a GREAT time! Managed to see Yosemite, Crater Lake, and finally arriving in Astoria, OR to prepare for the reason for taking the trip in the first place. Riding down the Oregon coast to San Francisco with my father-in-law:)

The trip was absolutely beautiful! I have to say, the roads in Oregon, and the scenery, make the rides around here in So Cal pale in comparison. I had to keep reminding myself there was a dark side to what creates that beautiful scenery. RAIN!!! Fortunately for us, we only experienced one day in the nine that we rode, that was really wet. Other then that, the rest of the trip was on the cool side, but highly enjoyable. Our ride numbers...Nine days of riding, 639 miles total. Other then a pair of sore kness, everything was perfect. Not even a flat tire between us!

On to the racing...WHAT'S THAT??? I haven't raced since the State TT Championships back in May!!! I'm getting a little nervous that I won't remember how when I do finallly get ack in the action. My next race will either be the Sisquoc RR, or the Mt. Charleston HC, or both, or neither. To be honest, my focus has faded from the race scene this season. Not that I'm not enjoying it anymore, just have other things I've been focusing on, and life has stepped in the way more then once this year. I've learned to be OK with that, reminding myself racing is what I do has a hobby, not as a living. Well that's about all for now, until next time...

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