Friday, December 10, 2010

Making gains...

Hi All! Going good? 5-lbs and counting! Yeah, that's right, you heard me! I've managed to gain 5-lbs of "winter coat" as I call it, during the off-season. Not bad considering. I've really tried to be good this year, not go too far off the deep end with eating, reminding myself that the more weight I gain, the more time it's going to take to get it off before the serious training can even begin. As soon as I begin my LSD rides this week, I'm sure the weight will come right off, and I'll be back to my fightin' weight in no time!

Can you believe how fast this month is going, or this year for that matter! Why is it the older I get, the faster the years go by? I have a feeling it's that way for most people. The wife and I are gearing up for some major changes in our lives over the next few weeks. Some good, some not so good, but hey, that's life, right?!

Hope all is well. Until next time...

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